Travel. With Cherries on Top
May 8, 2006
On September 10, 2001, I had my worst business trip ever. I flew into DC (!) to meet the CEO of a now-defunct internet security start-up, flush with venture capital. The man showed up to the meeting thirty minutes late in a dirty t-shirt (jelly stains and something that looked like it should have been wiped on the grass), ripped shorts, and sandals, and he smelled. It only got worse from there. I was developing the signs of a nasty cold as the meeting wore on - a fever made me shiver, while coughing and sneezing interrupted his shouting.
The meeting went so poorly that I practically ran (swayed was more like it) from the building, with the VP of Marketing nearly in tears as she followed me to the door. Mr. Chief Executive was unpredictable (sometimes nice and sometimes hateful), and the poor lady had been afraid to warn me. Good times.
When I finally made it to the airport for the flight home, the airline upgraded me to first class. For free. I cried right there at the ticket desk. It was this perfect little blessing - God reminding me that he'd take care of me, especially when I'd lost a huge deal and was feeling ill.
Now, nearly five years later, things have gotten much better. I deal with more stable businesses and kinder customers. And today, I got another sweet reminder of God's love for His kids. My hotel upgraded me to a suite. For free. I have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a full kitchen. This place is bigger than our first apartment.
Thank You for small blessings! Now, can we talk about my meetings tomorrow & Wednesday?
How extra great would it be if Handsome could come up to meet you!?