Haiku for Someone Special

Oct 26, 2005

Such wonder in life
Pressing flowers in my mind
Under foreign skies

4 Response to "Haiku for Someone Special"

Anonymous Says:

I like your poem. Very interesting.

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I saw your blog and I really like it. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Patti Doughty Says:

I saw your comment on Testosterhome and visited your site for the first time. I love your Post, "More Winds of Change". When we were growing up, 4 girls with an older brother, my father used to tell each of us privately that we were his favorite daughter. We all believed him. Sometime around the teen years, someone slipped and we all discovered that we were each totally convinced WE were Daddy's favorite. To this day, one of my sister's will comment, "Yes, Daddy understands me best because I'm his favorite daughter." It's amazing how that one little act built such a strong bond between this strong man and his little girls. Thanks for sharing about your nephews and niece.

Anonymous Says:

Love this haiku. A beautiful image. Write some more!

knighton Says:

thanks K! But, it's not my writing. This one is from the handsome one. We send it back and forth between us, like a secret code. ;-)