The Halo Effect

Feb 23, 2006

I enjoy reading Testosterome. She is inspiring, and I was caught by her discussion of her halo:

" my best, my halo is more like a decent flashlight running on its last few minutes of double-A power. Shining. Out. For all. To see. I guess that's all any of us can ever boast -- and none of it without God's grace."

This reminds me of one of my favorite songs, written by a Canadian band with no Christian connections that I can tell. Nonetheless, they stumbled upon a truth that simply rocks my world:

"Reflected light / To another's sight / And the moon tells a lover's story. / My borrowed face / And my third hand grace / Only reflect your glory"

I love that imagery. Here we all are, moons in the night for others to see the glowing reflection of the Son upon our faces, not of our own power - because we have none. Telling the story of a love we haven't earned.

Beautiful. I hope my halo looks like that.

2 Response to "The Halo Effect"

Jeff Says:

Nice image - who's the band?

knighton Says:

Rush. This is a line from Earthshine, from the Vapor Trails album.

Saw them in San Antonio in 2002 & 2004, as a matter of fact.