
Nov 16, 2006

I've just completed a week of intense training out here in beautiful California. Not that I saw much California - mostly just the inside of a hotel. Needless to say, I'm wiped out. My brain hurts, and I am in serious need of some sleep. I might write about this trip later....just not now; I need to process the experience a little more.

Well, ok. I'll say one thing: if you haven't already done so (this week), go to the Apple Store near you and play with all the beautiful equipment. Feel the love that is Mac.

4 Response to "Phew"

Anonymous Says:

I luhve me some California. Reading you lets me vicariously enjoy the freedom that is childlessness (not that I'd trade, but well, some days, yeah, I would).

AND there was NO need to apologize about the book question! It was good food for thought, and I needed the blog fodder. So, thanks.

knighton Says:

I love California - cry every time I have to fly out. After 10 years, it's pretty pathetic, really.

Thanks. I tend to ask awkward personal questions on a pretty regular basis. Sometimes, I just need to make sure I haven't crossed some unseen line.

In any case, thanks for sharing. Maybe I need to post about my favorite reads - you know, answer my own personal question. ;-)

Anonymous Says:

California's a great big oasis.

What piece of rose-fruit goodness are you most excited about?

BTW, I officially asked for an iPod for Christmas for the first time ever. I just wanted to share.

knighton Says:

I am seriously infatuated with the Black MacBook and the new iPod Shuffle.

The good news is that my official business machine is about to be upgraded to . . . a Black MacBook! And, His Steve-ness is giving every employee a shuffle. Yeah!!

And, if A needs a better deal on an iPod, give her my email address. I'll hook her up.