Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Oct 30, 2008

Subtitled: I've got a cold/flu, and I can actually feel the viruses reproducing in my blood stream. Fun.

Days of Rest

Oct 26, 2008

Last week, I was reading K's Cafe, when she wrote about a passage from her daily scripture reading. Quoting from Deuteronomy 5, "on [the Sabbath] you shall not do any work . . . so that your manservant and maidservant may rest, as you do."

There's the important part. The people who work for you should rest as well. And I hate to admit that I was not comforted by those lines. There have been so many days (weeks on end, really) where we never get a day of rest, while those in leadership or management get time off with their families to relax.

Remember, according to God's word, it's the responsibility of the leader to make sure all his (or her) people have a day off. Otherwise, we are still slaves. Worse, we become slaves when we would have willingly given our time and talents. And the people enslaving us, or at the very least not protecting our time, are the same few who claim to be called by Christ to lead us to freedom.

While it's important for each of us, individually, to protect our time and secure our own rest, the people we work for (either in business or in ministry) are responsible NOT to expect or demand our labor while they get much needed time away.

We could add a proverb: Never ask of others what you are not willing to give yourself. Never expect or demand others to violate what God calls Holy, especially not their day off.

Home Again

Oct 23, 2008

Well, I'm back. I didn't get a chance to have those shrimp & grits (maybe next trip), but I did get plenty of overcooked vegetables and iced tea. And also some of the best homemade chocolate chip cookies I've ever eaten.

Deep South

Oct 21, 2008

I'm in Atlanta for a couple nights. The last few times I was here, I didn't get a chance to look around much. But tonight, as I walked to dinner and back, I noticed just how lovely the old homes are and how well builders are adapting new construction to fit right in with the history of the place.

You can't really qualify Texas as "the South." Well, except for East Texas, which has roots closer to Louisiana. But, being here in Georgia feels peaceful and familiar. Like HOME in my mind is made up of century-old oaks and magnolias on gently rolling wooded land surrounding stately brick structures filled with polite gentility.

Either that or I've read too much Margaret Mitchell.

Side note: I've heard three people mention "shrimp & grits" and I'm hoping to get my taste buds on some of that. Last trip it was fried green tomatoes and collard greens - not to be missed.

Vote Dairy

Oct 17, 2008


Word of the Day

Oct 16, 2008


Learn something new every day.

Sounds About Right

You are a Joan -- "I need to succeed"

Joans are energetic, optimistic, self-assured, and goal oriented.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Leave me alone when I am doing my work.

  • * Give me honest, but not unduly critical or judgmental, feedback.

  • * Help me keep my environment harmonious and peaceful.

  • * Don't burden me with negative emotions.

  • * Tell me you like being around me.

  • * Tell me when you're proud of me or my accomplishments.

What I Like About Being a Joan

  • * being optimistic, friendly, and upbeat

  • * providing well for my family

  • * being able to recover quickly from setbacks and to charge ahead to the next challenge

  • * staying informed, knowing what's going on

  • * being competent and able to get things to work efficiently

  • * being able to motivate people

What's Hard About Being a Joan

  • * having to put up with inefficiency and incompetence

  • * the fear on not being -- or of not being seen as -- successful

  • * comparing myself to people who do things better

  • * struggling to hang on to my success

  • * putting on facades in order to impress people

  • * always being "on." It's exhausting.

Joans as Children Often

  • * work hard to receive appreciation for their accomplishments

  • * are well liked by other children and by adults

  • * are among the most capable and responsible children in their class or school

  • * are active in school government and clubs or are quietly busy working on their own projects

Joans as Parents

  • * are consistent, dependable, and loyal

  • * struggle between wanting to spend time with their children and wanting to get more work done

  • * expect their children to be responsible and organized

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at HelloQuizzy

(Not So) Gentle Reminder

Oct 15, 2008

You. Yes, you, Blondie. And also you, Brunette. There's not a sign, but maybe we should install one. Just for you.

Giving In

Oct 9, 2008

I am stubborn. Just ask Leah or Handsome. They'll tell you. Stubborn.

Well, stubbornness succumbed to sanity yesterday when I stoically submitted to being fitted for a night guard. But while the tech was making impressions and the sticky pink putty coated my mouth, I learned something of interest.

People who grind their teeth at night often have dreams related to their mouths. Teeth falling out, things stuck in their teeth (*ahem*), etcetera.

Vocabulary Lesson #7: Ceiling Unlimited

Oct 8, 2008

machine gun


Posted Without Comment

Oct 6, 2008

The Robert Goulet Memorial Mustached American of the Year Award

The American Mustache Institute: Protecting the rights of, and fighting discrimination against, mustached Americans by promoting the growth, care, and culture of the mustache.

Spirit of the Season

Oct 3, 2008