Life List Addition - #40: Learn to Roller Skate

May 3, 2010

It doesn't seem possible for a child of the 80s to have missed this basic life skill, but I did. So, I'm going out with some girlfriends tomorrow night to figure this thing out.

I expect to spend the entire night clinging to the wall with one hand and my friend Sharon with the other. Or on my butt on the floor.

Pray for me.

2 Response to "Life List Addition - #40: Learn to Roller Skate"

Leah Says:

LOL! I learned to roller skate when Ronnie and I were dating and spent a lot of time at the roller rink with the youth group!
Actually, I took to it pretty well, Ronnie on the other hand...

knighton Says:

I am scared. But in a good way, if that's possible.

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.