Fun & Games

Mar 30, 2006

I enjoy Orisinal games. I think you and your children will too.

Have fun!

3 Response to "Fun & Games"

Jeff Says:

orisinal = crazy entertaining!


you have a picture now!


i put a blog back up... it's nothing to write home about, but thought i'd mention it.


stan getz -- what album do you like?

knighton Says:

first, you have to include a link in order for your blog to be read. ;-)

second, stan getz -- which album don't I like? but mostly, I listen to his Bossa Nova works. Check Verve Jazz Masters: 53 for a good overview or The Bossa Nova Years for a much larger compilation. It's the kind of music you can play when your cleaning house or having a dinner party or sitting on the beach, so versatile and so good.

Jeff Says:

heh -- oops. try