Disappointed (repeat)

May 16, 2006

So, tonight, I am in Lewiston, Idaho - about 3 hours south of last night's dining experience. I asked the clerk at the hotel desk where I could find "a really, really good salad." So she enthusiastically directed me to a locally-owned establishment around the corner. "They have the best salads in town."

Uh huh.

Either I have an extremely high expectation of what constitutes "really good salad" OR this is one very sad little town. I'm willing to bet it's the latter.

At least the ice cream was good.

6 Response to "Disappointed (repeat)"

Anonymous Says:

There's a guy that works with my husband who is really vocal sharing opinions about restaurents. Now, any time my husband has a new restaurent idea I ask "Did Ray recommend it?" and if the answer is "yes" then I refuse to ever eat there. I shudder to think WHAT he's thinking is acceptable!

Jeff Says:

Speaking of food, do you get over to East Side Cafe much? If you hasn't tried their acorn squash, you're missing something totally righteous.

knighton Says:

Lucy - funny. Handsome and I took a hotel recommendation from a blind friend. Once. We learned a very important lesson. Now, whenever we have a bad hotel experience, we jokingly blame it on her. LOL

Jeff - never been to the East Side Cafe. If I do go, I will avoid the squash - I'm a little afraid of acorn, butternut, and spaghetti squash. Although I relish summer squash and zucchini. There is no logic to it.

Leni Says:

You are having the worst time with food! I have a friend who works for the local health department. When I want to try a new restaurant, I'll mention it to her, and she'll either nod yes or no. I NEVER question her! She knows things. lol

knighton Says:

Leni - smart plan! ;-) I have a colleague who won't eat meat out. Someone in his family used to be a health inspector, so he knows too much, too.

Jeff Says:

I used to avoid it too, but now ... now i like it. Just try it off someone else's plate. It's to die for. er... no, it's fabo... ummm... it's good?