Crazy Church

Jul 20, 2006

I have always taken great comfort in the heroes of our faith. Moses the murderer, David the adulterer, Paul the persecutor. Great men, who God chose despite their faults. God sees my sin, too. Indeed, He is repulsed by it. And He wants me to be a giant of faith, anyway.

Why, then, is it more difficult to see past the shortcomings of the modern church? Look around - people are judgemental, rude, annoying, and just-plain-crazy. The Body of Believers is made up of people just like me - major faults but also deeply desiring God's presence in our lives.

And that's why this article is so important. Because I need the reminder that the Bible includes more than just includes churches. Real churches full of real people, who God chose despite their faults.

1 Response to "Crazy Church"

Leah Says:

great article. softens my opinion of the church and myself.