
Jul 18, 2006

That is to say: I'm using my blog to beg for advice. Well, code really.

By now you've all noticed the QOTD feature on the side panel. Here's the sad part. I don't archive the quotes. Once they're gone, they're gone, which is a travesty because some of them are pretty darn funny.

Now for the reader participation portion of our program:

Bleg #1: Do any of you have an idea of how I can post quotes so that they are in an archive without having to include them as an actual post? I'm just not sure how to accompllsh it.

Bleg #2: Please post your favorite QOTD in the comments, since I'm trying to create a complete list/archive.

Merci Bien.

1 Response to "Bleg"

Anonymous Says:

What!?! I thought YOU were archiving them, because I have NO short-term memory now! Hmmmm. At least you realized this early in your life. I seem to think my favorite was one of the first ones you did which was in a post because I think I remember commenting on it, which means it must have been posted, right? Unless I was thinking about another blog. Or hallucinating. I always thought hallucinating would be dramatic than this if thats what this is.